At Etched, we are creating machine intelligence at the next level. But it is useless unless humans can understand it. We hope you can join us to make this powerful machine intelligence understandable by humans and easily usable by humans. With Etched ASICs, we have fundamentally different constraints than existing AI chips. We don’t have the same batch-size-latency tradeoff as GPUs. We can parallelize workloads and digest large contexts much more efficiently than GPUs.
Sohu enables entirely new research directions and products. When our chips come out, these use cases need to already be mature and visceral. Whether real-time video, agents, speculative decoding, or new tree search algorithms, we must create the market for our hardware.
If you like to create beautiful things, using AI-tools, for humans to use AI-tools, come and join us as Transformer-based machine intelligence is about to fundamentally change human life - if not already.